Dental Alumni Society and Membership Benefits
A Note from Kelly Divito, '08 BSDH, MS, RDH, President of the Dental Alumni Society
Dear Fellow Alumni,
When I think of The Ohio State College of Dentistry, three words come to my mind: pride, tradition, and excellence. I would not be where I am without the quality education I received at Ohio State, so I am forever grateful for the opportunity. As a proud alum, I feel it is my duty to give back to my alma mater. The future of the Dental Alumni Society is our shared responsibility. Joining the Society is the easiest way to give back to your institution, which gave so much to you as a student. Here are other reasons you should join the DAS:
- To show your pride
- To have a connection to your alma mater
- To stay informed and updated on what is happening at the college
- To have a feeling of togetherness and the opportunity to stay connected with your fellow alumni
- To have access to career and networking opportunities
- To have a voice and to be an advocate for your alma mater
- To directly impact students’ lives who are prospective alumni
- To raise the value of your degree.
If you wonder what the last bullet point means, here is the explanation: Alumni engagement is one of the criteria used to rank major universities in the United States. I don’t know about you, but I always check where Xichigan is on the list each year university rankings are announced!
Once a Buckeye, always a Buckeye! So, I hope you join the Dental Alumni Society today and help us grow stronger and prouder!
Kelly Divito, '08 BSDH, MS, RDH
President, The Ohio State University Dental Alumni Society

Join the DAS
As a society, we support our dental students and alumni, but we cannot do this without your support as a member. If you are not already, please consider becoming a Lifetime member.
Alumni Society Awards
We invite you to nominate a colleague for one of several Alumni Society Awards to be presented at The Ohio State University Dental Alumni Society Reception at the Ohio Dental Association meeting in the fall.