A woman with braces smiling

Division of Orthodontics

The Division of Orthodontics is well known for its outstanding graduate program and for training future leaders of orthodontists and researchers.

New and current patients of the Orthodontic Clinic can call 614-292-9100 or email: orthoclinic@osu.edu 

The division's faculty members have dedicated their careers to the orthodontic profession while being supported by excellent and caring clinical and administrative staff and assistants. Our main goal is to provide students with the highest-quality education and to be proficient in the clinical specialty of orthodontics. We also provide a program of education in the clinical specialty that satisfies the standards of the Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental Association and the American Board of Orthodontics. The graduate program consists of intensive didactic, clinical and research components.


The program offers an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and treatment planning as well as didactic courses such as Biomechanics and Growth and Development. Residents are expected to actively participate by presenting cases in diagnostic presentations, seminars and literature review. Clinical evaluation by OSCE is one of the unique quantitative evaluation methods used in the program.


Residents are provided with a large number of patients including orthognathic surgery, cleft lip and palate, craniofacial anomaly and interdisciplinary cases. Residents gain valuable experience in diagnosis, treatment planning, orthodontic therapy and patient management. Residents are exposed to various treatment techniques and appliances from talented and experienced groups of full- and part-time faculty, which teaches them to render proficient orthodontic care to patients throughout their professional career. Contemporary advanced technology, such as digital imaging, digital diagnostic records and computer-stimulated diagnosis and arch wires are integrated into the program. All residents are mentored and encouraged to be ABO certified orthodontists.


Under the guidance of the research program director, residents develop a research project and are expected to present their research at meetings (AAO, IADR, AADR etc.,). Residents are also required to submit their manuscript to a refereed journal by graduation. This process promotes creative thinking and critical analysis and teaches residents to recognize the importance of evidence-based knowledge. Residences are provided with experience in biomedical sciences, scientific methodology and research techniques so they may develop an appreciation for the biological and scientific aspects of orthodontics.


Residents are required to participate in teaching predoctoral students for their orthodontic cases. Residents are also encouraged to serve diverse populations of patients, their communities, and the profession, and to advance the specialty of orthodontics by participating in teaching activities throughout their careers.

Division of Orthodontics
4088 Postle Hall
305 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

Academic Program Coordinator and Administrative contact:

Graduate Program Director
Zongyang Sun, DDS, MS, MSD, PhD

Part time and other faculty